
Showing posts from November, 2020

Top 2 Tips To Clean Invisalign

Invisalign, to say the least, is a great option to move the teeth into a straighter position and to correct serious orthodontic problems such as an overbite. However, letting the aligners get dirty can actually affect their effectiveness drastically. Therefore, in this post, we have detailed the top 2 tips to clean the Invisalign aligners. Brushing The gunk that builds upon the teeth during the night and when you eat becomes even grosser and harmful if you leave it under your Invisalign braces to build up all day. It is due to this reason it's usually recommended to brush your teeth before the braces go on and right after they come off at night. Though, always be careful not to use toothpaste, as it can stain the braces. Instead, opt for a good rinse to keep the Invisalign braces looking as clear and free of bacteria as when you bought them.  Soaking According to an orthodontist in Valencia, you are supposed to wear your aligners for close to 20-22 hours per day. However, what do