Why prefer orthodontists, and in which situations?

Like wise other fields, there are some advanced titles in dentistry that set the professionals a little aside from others. One such term is Orthodontist, who possesses specialized licensed training for some treatments for which regular dentists do not have a license. This license applies only to some treatments; otherwise, all orthodontists are considered dentists and can perform all those treatments that a dentist does. Orthodontists in Valencia treat all the patients who walk in through their doors without making exceptions, whereas dentists must refer the patient to an orthodontist in case of specialized treatment. To get licensed training, a dentist has to go through special and additional schooling, just like surgeons have to gain the specialty amongst whole medical treatments. This schooling offers them all the knowledge about misaligned teeth, bite issues, and fitting of braces and position corrective devices. Apart from these two situations, there is nothing different bet...